Our Services

Our offerings and solutions?

Cloud Migration

Embrace the future of business operations with seamless cloud migration services. Our experienced professionals will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth transition to cloud-based systems that provide scalability, flexibility, and cost savings

Network Services

Ctgold Professional services has the expertise and wealth of experience of network-related services. We design, implement, optimize, and secure your network infrastructure. Our offerings include but not limited to the following:

Network Design and ArchitectureWe start of by assessing requirements and goals in order to design architecture that meets your needs. we then Plan the layout of the network, the hardware, topologies, and network protocols to ensure scalability and redundancy to accommodate future growth.

Network Implementation:

Procure and install networking hardware such as routers, switches, firewalls, and access points. Configure and set up the network infrastructure that will include IP addressing scheme, VLANs and routing while ensuring proper integration with existing systems and applications.

Network Optimization and Performance Tuning:
We will Conduct network performance assessments and identify bottlenecks or latency issues. Implement optimization strategies to improve network speed, reliability, and efficiency. Monitor network traffic and adjust configurations as needed.

Network Security and Compliance:
Evaluate your network security posture and vulnerabilities. based on our findings, we implement needed security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), and access control.  at the same time ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR) and best practices.

Wireless Networking Services: Design and deploy wireless networks (Wi-Fi) for optimal coverage and performance.  Implement security measures, such as WPA3 encryption and guest network segmentation.  Conduct wireless site surveys to identify signal interference and dead zones.

Network Monitoring and Management:
Set up network monitoring tools to track network health, performance, and security in real-time. Provide proactive management and maintenance to address issues before they become critical. Generate reports and alerts to keep stakeholders informed.

Network Virtualization and SD-WAN:
Implement virtualized network infrastructure using technologies like virtual LANs (VLANs) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN).
Deploy Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solutions for efficient and cost-effective WAN management.

Cloud Networking and Hybrid Cloud Integration:
Assist in the migration of network services and applications to the cloud.
Ensure seamless integration between on-premises and cloud-based resources in a hybrid cloud environment.

Disaster Recovery and Business ContinuityDevelop and implement disaster recovery plans to ensure network resilience in case of disruptions. Set up redundant network connections and failover mechanisms.

Network Audits and Assessments: Conduct network audits to identify weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement. Provide recommendations for enhancing network security, performance, and reliability.

Network Documentation and Training:
Create comprehensive network documentation, including diagrams, configurations, and policies. Knowledge transfer to your IT and end-users on best practices and security awareness.


Safeguard your digital assets and maintain a robust network infrastructure with our specialized network and security services. We design, implement, and support secure networks that enable seamless communication and protect against cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Assessments

Protect your business from evolving cyber threats with our comprehensive cybersecurity assessments. We identify vulnerabilities, develop strategic defense measures, and provide ongoing monitoring to keep your digital environment secure

Project Management

Our project management services are designed to help businesses successfully manage complex projects from start to finish. We have a team of experienced project managers who work closely with our customers to develop customized project plans that meet their unique needs and goals

Staffing Solutions

Build a talented and capable workforce with our staffing solutions. Whether you need temporary, permanent, or specialized personnel, we connect you with skilled professionals who can drive your business forward

Hardware Refresh and Software updates

We offer a wide range of services related to hardware refresh and software upgrades to help your business and organization make informed decisions, plan, and execute these projects effectively. Our services can be customized to meet your specific needs and goals. Listed are few of our services for hardware refresh and software upgrades:

Needs Assessment:
Conduct an in-depth assessment of the client’s current IT infrastructure, including hardware and software.
Identify areas where hardware is outdated or underperforming.
Analyze software applications and their compatibility with current and future hardware.

Strategic Planning:
Develop a strategic IT plan that outlines the objectives, scope, and timelines for hardware and software upgrades.
Create a budget and cost analysis for the entire project.
Provide recommendations for hardware and software solutions based on your goals and budget constraints.

Vendor Selection and Procurement:
Assist in selecting the appropriate hardware and software vendors.
Negotiate pricing, contracts, and service agreements with vendors.
Handle the procurement process, ensure timely delivery of hardware and software licenses.

Technology Integration:
Plan and execute the integration of new hardware components into the existing IT infrastructure.
Ensure compatibility and seamless operation between hardware and software.
Implement necessary changes to the network architecture if required.

Software Upgrades and Deployment:
Assess the compatibility of existing software with the new hardware.
Plan and execute software upgrades, including operating systems, productivity software, and specialized applications.
Deploy software updates and patches to ensure security and stability.

Data Migration and Backup:
Develop a data migration strategy to transfer critical data from old systems to new ones.
Implement data backup solutions to prevent data loss during the migration process.
Verify the integrity and completeness of data after migration.

Testing and Quality Assurance:
Conduct thorough testing of hardware and software to identify and resolve any issues.
Perform performance and security testing to ensure the new technology meets expectations.
Create a testing and validation plan to minimize disruptions during the transition.

User Training and Support:
Provide end-user training on how to use the upgraded hardware and software effectively.
Offer ongoing technical support to address user questions and issues as they arise.

Documentation and Knowledge Transfer:
Create comprehensive documentation of the updated IT environment, including hardware configurations, software licenses, and network diagrams.
Facilitate knowledge transfer to the client’s IT team for long-term management.

Post-Implementation Review:
Conduct a review of the project or assignment after implementation to assess the success of hardware refresh and software upgrades.
Make recommendations for further optimizations and improvements.

Allow us to make the most of your IT investments while ensuring minimal disruptions during hardware and software updates.


Office Supplies

 Simplify your procurement process with our office supplies and services. From stationery to essential office equipment, we provide cost-effective solutions that keep your workplace running smoothly